Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sent two days ago June, 22 2009


Sent & Received cover with stamp from the Tropical and Subtropical Fruits of Madeira issue, additional stamp of 0.32€ of the same stamp issue and ATM label to complete the postal rate.


(The stamps)

20091132189FrutosTropicaisMadeiraBEMaracuja 20091132179FrutosTropicaisMadeiraBEBanana

(The Souvenir Sheets)

Dados Técnicos / Technical Data

Obliterações do 1º dia em / First Day cancellation at:
Lisboa/ Porto/ Funchal/ Ponta Delgada
Emissão / Issue:
2009/ 04 /
Selos / Stamps:
€0,32 – 330 000
€0,68 – 230 000
€0,80 – 200 000
€2,00 – 265 000

Bloco / Souvenir sheet:
2 x €2,50 – 2 x 60 000
Design: Atelier Acácio Santos/ Helder Soares
Papel / Paper: 110 g/m2
Formato dos Selos / Stamps Format: 40 x 30,6 mm
Formato do Bloco / Souvenir sheet format: 125mm x 95mm
Picotagem / Perforation: 13 x Cruz de Cristo
Impressão / Print: offset
Impressor / Printer: Cartor
Folhas / Sheets :
Com 50 ex./ avec 50 ex./ with 50 copies

Bilhetes Postais / Post cards
4 x €0,45
Sobrescritos de 1º dia / First Day Covers :
C6 - €0,55
C5 - €0,74

Pagela / Brochure:

For detailed information, please follow de link (only in Portuguese)

To Bursa, TURKEY

Sent & Received cover with stamps from the join issue with Turkey depicts the theme of ceramics.

Additional ATM label with the value of 0.22€ to complete the postal rate.

Dados Técnicos / Technical Data

Nome da Emissão: / Issue Name: Emissão Conjunta com a Turquia – Cerâmicas / Join Issue with Turkey - Ceramics
Obliterações do 1º dia em / First day postmark at:
Lisboa / Porto / Funchal / Ponta Delgada / Almada

Emissão / Issue:
2009 / 04 / 15

Selos / Stamps:
€0,32 – 330 000

€0,68 – 230 000

Design: António Magalhães

Papel / Paper: 102 g/m2
Formato dos Selos / Stamps Format: 40 x 30,6 mm
Picotagem / Perforation: 13 x Cruz de Cristo / Christ Cross
Impressão / Print: offset
Impressor / Printer: Cartor, France

Folhas / Sheets:
Com 50 selos / with 50 stamps.

Sobrescritos de 1º dia / FDCs:
C6 - €0,55

Pagela / Brochure:

For detailed information, please follow de link (only in Portuguese)

To Hyderabad, INDIA

Sent & Received cover with stamps from the Lusitano Horse issue.

Additional ATM label with the value of 0.05€ to complete the postal rate.

Dados Técnicos / Technical Data

Obliterações do 1º dia em / First Day cancelations at:
Lisboa / Porto / Funchal / Ponta Delgada / Cascais
Emissão / Issue:
2009 / 06 / 11

Selos / Stamps:
€ 0,32 – 330 000
€ 0,32 – 330 000
€ 0,57 – 200 000
€ 0,68 – 230 000
€ 0,80 – 200 000

Bloco com 1 selo / Souvenir sheet with 1 stamp:
€ 2,50 – 60 000

Design: Atelier B2 / José Brandão

Fotos / Pictures: ©Aurélio Grilo/ ©Mark Wentein / ©Pedro Bettencourt
Agradecimentos / Acknowledges: Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano, Fundação Alter Real / Escola Portuguesa de Arte Equestre, Sociedade Quinta das Terras e aos cavaleiros Duarte Pinto (toureio), Félix-Marie Brasseur (atrelagem de competição), Manuel Costa Alves (equitação de trabalho), Nuno Vicente (ensino) e Rui Almeida (alta escola).
Papel / Paper: 103g / m2

Formato dos selos / Stamps format: 40 x 30,6 mm
Format do Bloco / Souvenir sheet format: 125 x 95 mm

Picotagem / Perforation: 13 x Cruz de Cristo

Impressão / Print: offset
Impressor / Printer: INCM, Portugal
Folhas com 50 selos / Sheet with 50 stamps:

Bilhetes-postais / Post cards
5 x € 0,44

Sobrescritos de 1º dia / First Day Covers:
C6 – € 0,55
C5 – € 0,74

Pagela / Brochure:
€ 0,70

Capa da pagela / Brochure cover: ©Pedro Bettencourt

For detailed information, please follow de link (only in Portuguese)

POLAND – Cover from Nowy Sacz, Poland to Braga, Portugal

First Day Cover posted on June, 4 2009.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

PORTUGAL– Cover from Vila Real de St. António, Portugal to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted on June, 2 2009.
Inside Touristic postcard from Algarve – Portugal

(Special thanks to ‘Becas’)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

BELGIUM – Cover from Gent, Belgium to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted on June, 9 2009.

( cover posted by my friend Sérgio G. – a special thanks to him)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

PORTUGAL– Cover from Portimão, Portugal to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted on June, 1 2009.
Inside touristic postcard from Algarve – Portugal

(Special thanks to ‘Becas’)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wonders of Portuguese Origin in the World: Monuments

Portugal is the only country in the world with classified heritage in three separate continents. The 27 chosen monuments are situated in 16 countries and are a reason of pride for all Portuguese people. They represent our courage, our ingeniousness and dedication. Choosing the New 7 Wonders of Portugal in the World is to divulge and protect a heritage that belongs to us but also to all of humanity. The results of the contest was been revealed in a ceremony that happened on the 10th of June of 2009, the Portugal National Day.

List of Monuments submitted to vote:

África / Africa

Etiópia - Cidadela de Fasil Ghebi / Fasil Ghebbi
Gambia - Ilha de James / James Island
Gana - Fortes e Castelos em Volta, Greater Accra / Accra Strongholds and Castles
Marrocos - Cidade Portuguesa de Mazagão / Portuguese city of El Jadida
Moçambique - Ilha de Moçambique / Mozambique Island
Senegal - Ilha de Goreia / Island
Tanzânia - Ruínas de Kilwa e de Songo Mnara / Ruins

América do Sul / South America

Argentina e Brasil - Missões Jesuítas dos Guarani / Guarani Jesuit Missions
Brasil - Centro Histórico de S. Salvador / S. Salvador Historic Centre
Brasil - Centro Histórico de S. Luís / S. Luís Historic Centre
Brasil - Centro Histórico de Diamantina / Diamantina
Brasil - Centro Histórico de Goiás / Goiás Historic Centre
Brasil - Centro Histórico de Olinda / Olinda Historic Centre
Brasil - Centro Histórico de Ouro Preto / Ouro Preto Historic Centre
Brasil - Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos em Congonhas / Sanctuary
Paraguai - Missões Jesuítas de Trinidad do Paraná e Jesus de Tavaranque / Trinidad do Paraná and Jesus de Tavaranque Jesuit Missions
Uruguai - Bairro Histórico da Colónia de Sacramento / Colónia de Sacramento Historic Neighborhood

Ásia / Asia
Bahrain - Sítio Arqueológico de Qal at al-Bahrain / Qal at al-Bahrain Archaeological Site
China - Centro Histórico de Macau / Macau Historic Centre
Índia - Igrejas e Conventos de Goa / Churches and Convents of Goa
Sri Lanka - Cidade Velha de Galle e suas Fortificações / Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications
Malásia - Centro Histórico de Malaca / Malaca Historic Centre

The winners were:
The Diu fort, the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa, Mazagão Fortress in Morocco, Santiago Old Town in Cape Verde, Saint Paul Church in Macao (China), St. Francis Convent in Ouro Preto (Brazil), and another convent by the same name in Salvador da Baía (Brazil).

A total of 239,418 people participated in the selection, voting through the Internet and telephone.

POLAND – Cover from Nowy Sacz, Poland to Braga, Portugal

Registered First Day Cover posted on May, 29 2009.
(Special thanks to my friend Andrzej)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Portugal National Day

Today is our National Day, officially Dia de Camões, de Portugal e das Comunidades Portuguesas ("Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities"), marks the date of Luís de Camões' death in June 10, 1580 . Camões wrote the Lusiads, Portugal's national epic poem celebrating Portuguese history and achievements.

DENMARK– Cover from Copenhagen, Denmark to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted on March, 30 2009.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sent Today June, 5 2009

To Nowy Sacz, POLAND
Registered FDC with stamps from the ‘Sabores da Lusofonia’ issue.
To Kerala, INDIA
Registered FDC with stamps from the ‘Sabores da Lusofonia’ issue.
To Palanpur - Gujarat, INDIA
Registered FDC with souvenir sheet from the ‘Sabores da Lusofonia’ issue.

(The Stamps)

(The Souvenir Sheet)
Dados Técnicos / Technical Data:
Nome da Emissão / Issue Name: Sabores da Lusofonia
Obliterações do 1º dia em / First day cancellation at:
Lisboa / Porto / Funchal / Ponta Delgada
Emissão / Issue:2009 / 06 / 05
Selos / Stamps:
€ 0,32 – 330 000
€ 0,32 – 330 000
€ 0,68 – 230 000
€ 0,68 – 230 000
€ 0,80 – 200 000
€ 0,80 – 200 000
Bloco com 1 selo / Souvenir Sheet with 1 stamp:
€ 1,85 – 68 000
Design: Atelier Acácio Santos / Helder Soares
Fotos / Photos: Mário Cerdeira
Papel / Paper: 102 g/m2
Formato Selos / Stamps Format: 40 x 30,6 mm
Formato do Bloco Filatélico / Souvenir Sheet Format: 125 x 95 mm
Picotagem / Perforation: 13 x Cruz de Cristo / Christ Cross
Impressão / Print: offset
Impressor / Printer: Cartor, France
Folhas com / Sheets with:
50 selos / 50 stamps
Sobrescritos de 1º dia / FDCs:
C6 – € 0,55
C5 – € 0,74
Pagela / Brochure:
€ 0,70
For detailed information, please follow de link (only in Portuguese)

GERMANY - Cover from Essen, Germany to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted on May, 7 2009.
Special cancellation ‘ESSEN Kirche Werden - Weltkulturerbe UNESCO’ over €0.55 IBRA NAPOSTA stamp.
(Special thanks to my friend Igor)

Technical data:
Design: Ursula Lautenschläger, Berlin
Motiv: Eichstaett Letter © Museum Foundation Postal and Telecommunications
Values: 0,55 + 0,25 (Surcharge) Euro
Printer: Multi-color offset printing at Bagel Security GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach
Dimensions: 35,00 x 35,00 Millimeter
Paper: Coated, white, fluorescent stamp paper DP 2
Issue Date:
07. Mai 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome the 2000th Visitors

Aqui ficam as melhores saudações Filatélicas, para os visitantes de todo o mundo, que diariamente visitam o meu blog.

(English version)
Here are the best Philatelic greetings to visitors from all over the world who daily visit my blog.