Sunday, October 31, 2010

FRANCE – Cover from Paris, France to Braga, Portugal

Cover with stamps of the issues ‘Papillon - Morpho bleu‘ and ‘Pont Aqueduc d'Arcueil Cachan’ plus six definitive stamps ‘Marianne et l'Europe’ issued in 2009 posted on September, 27 2010. (A very special thanks to my friend Yu Kitaev from Russia)

Papillon - Morpho bleu
The butterfly is considered a symbol of grace and lightness. It also symbolizes the resurrection, the sun in the Aztec women in Japan, and is married to the soul of love in Greek mythology. It has always amazed and inspired men, in painting, poetry. The blue mor
pho illustrates the stamp from the block Nature 2010.

Issue Date: 06 September 2010
Print Technique: Photogravure
Author: Christophe Drochon

Pont Aqueduc d'Arcueil CachanClassified historic monument, the aqueduct of Arcueil-Cachan consists of three successive titles. The first, dating from the Gallo-Roman Wissous fed from Rungis and the baths of Lutetia (Cluny), there are only two blocks of masonry, but his journey underground is well known. The second, the Medici aqueduct, built in stone in the seventeenth century to feed the Left Bank of Paris and especially the Luxembourg Palace built at the request of Marie de Medici. The third, the Vanne aqueduct, built in rubble by the engineer Eugene Belgrand the nineteenth century, rests on the Medici aqueduct and leads the waters of the valve (a tributary of the Yonne) to tanks Paris Montsouris. With a length of 990 m, the aqueduct has 77 arches of 10 m wide, has a height of 38 m at the lowest point of the valley. Always On, with a capacity of 145,000 m³ / day, the aqueduct supplies nearly a third of Paris.

Issue date: 27 September 2010
Print Technique: Intaglio
Author: Yann Gafsou

(2009 definitive stamps Marianne et l'Europe)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

INDIA – Cover from Madurai, India to Braga, Portugal

Registered cover with the two stamps of the Queen’s Baton Relay – XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 stamps issue posted on September, 15 2010.
(A very special thanks to my friend Saravanan)

Monday, October 25, 2010

SINGAPORE – Cover from Singapore to Braga, Portugal

First Day Cover of the ‘Heritege Trail: Kent Ridge Park Trail’ stamps issue posted on September, 22 2010.
(A very special thanks to my friend Terence Wong)

(Brochure front)

(Brochure Back)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ALGERIA - Cover from Setif, Algeria to Braga, Portugal

First day cover with stamps from the FIFA World Cup 2010 issue posted on May, 23 2010.
(Special thanks to my friend Ouari Khemissi)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sent yesterday 22 of October 2010

Registered First Day Covers of the most recent Portuguese stamp issue that commemorates the 150 years of friendship treaty between Portugal and Japan sent to friend in Austria and Singapore and a registered envelope with a book to a special friend in Madeira-Portugal.

FRANCE - Cover from Le Havre, France to Braga, Portugal

Cover posted with special cancellation from the “Musée de la Poste” in Paris on September, 1 2010.
(Special thanks to my friend Jean-Pierre Fiquet)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HONG-KONG - Cover from Kowloon, Hong-Kong to Braga, Portugal

Cover with two stamps from the 1997’s Seashells stamps issue (1$30 and 2$50 stamps) posted on August, 12 2010.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TAIWAN - Cover from Taipei, Taiwan to Braga, Portugal

Cover with special postmark to mark the Bangkok 2010 International Stamps Exhibition, posted on August, 19 2010.
(A very special thanks to my friend George Wu)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

MALAYSIA – First Day Covers from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Braga, Portugal

First Day Covers of the Malayan Railway stamps issue.
(A very special thanks to my friend Saravanan Govindasany)
Technical data:
Date of issue 22-Jun-2010
Stamp Value :30sen (setenant); 50sen; RM1
Sheet Content :20 Stamps
Paper :SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process :Lithography
Printer :Percetakan Keselamatan Sdn Bhd
Stamp Designer :Hazel Design Sdn Bhd

Friday, October 15, 2010

GERMANY – Cover from Ruhr, Germany to Braga, Portugal

Cover with two stamps of 0.55€ from the ‘300 years porcelain manufacture in Germany’ stamps issue, posted on August, 12 2010.
(A very special thanks to my friend Igor Adolph)

When Johann Friedrich Bottger, 15 January 1708 in a laboratory note documented the successful firing of a white, translucent ceramic body, takes the success story of the first European porcelain began. Further experiments and developments are necessary to August the Strong, 23, finally January 1710 in a decree written in four languages, the creation of the Royal-Polish and Electoral Saxon Porcelain Manufactory proclaimed.
Their first production was from 1710 to Albrecht Castle. From the perfect combination of soil, water, fire and air has developed an arts and crafts, which produces still treasures from porcelain. Today nothing more indicative of the efforts and conditions of the first porcelain in Germany 300 years ago. The precious material, however, still fascinates people.
Today, the porcelain is the most important cultural assets in Europe.
(Text extracted from the issue brochure)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Portugal 2010-XI

Pictures taken of an old Portuguese Post Office.
This reconstruction is integrated in the 'CTT nos 100 anos do Regime Republicano' stand in the Portugal 2010 World Philatelic Exhibition.

(Sign placed in the outside of the Post Office building)

(Customer service desks and waiting room)

(Tables for the customers and Airmail letter box)

(Inside view of the office)

(Another perspective of the inside of the office)

(Mail selection table and mail bundles)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Portugal 2010-X

A minha pátria é a língua portuguesa
My homeland is the Portuguese language

Fernando Pessoa (June 13, 1888 in Lisbon - November 30, 1935 in the same city)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Portugal 2010-VIII

The Philatelic Youth and Education Issues

It is clear that stamp collecting can be used for developing and learning among children and young people with various levels of approach. From stamps, issues related to geography, history, culture, science, sports, monetary systems and currencies, art, ecology, ethnography, among many other issues that can be addressed. So why is it that parents are not encouraging children to engage in stamp collections? The most obvious answer is because most parents are unaware of this potential (as most teachers of our children). Moreover, children have a source of information today, almost inexhaustible and within reach of your fingertips: the Internet. This powerful tool that can effortlessly provide answers to almost all questions. How to deal with this? What is the most appropriate strategy? I believe that there is only one path: to come together on to it! In addition to benefits relating to education, the collecting of stamps comes with other educational benefits: who collects stamps develops skills relating to organization, discipline, negotiation, among others. These skills are important in training young and fundamental to life. Without them, how to survive in the competitive world of today?
The Right to Education for Children souvenir sheet (2007)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Portugal 2010-VII

Centennial of the Proclamation of the 1st Republic of Portugal
Today 5th October, commemorates the centennial of the proclamation of the 1st Republic of Portugal.

Bustos da República

A figura feminina como representação simbólica da República teve enorme divulgação nos primeiros tempos do novo regime político implantado em Portugal em 1910. Com efeito, o busto da República tornou-se mesmo um dos seus símbolos com maior visibilidade, sobretudo quando, a partir de 1912, passou a ser obrigatória a sua colocação em repartições e edifícios públicos e ao ser adoptado, como efígie, para figurar em moedas de grande circulação.
Embora existam muitas versões artísticas de bustos da República, os mais conhecidos e difundidos foram os que obtiveram o 1.º e o 2.º lugares num concurso promovido pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, em 1911, com o objectivo de se escolher aquele que deveria passar a ser o «busto oficial». São seus autores, respectivamente, os escultores Francisco dos Santos (1878-1930) e Simões de Almeida Sobrinho (1880-1950).
Os Correios Portugueses, que desde 2007 têm vindo a evocar em selo alguns dos temas mais representativos da efeméride que o País celebra em 2010, propuseram a artistas contemporâneos que efectuassem uma reinterpretação livre do busto tradicional da República. A presente emissão traduz o resultado de tal repto (com reprodução das criações artísticas da autoria de André Carrilho, Bento Condado, Costa Pinheiro, João Abel Manta, João Machado, Júlio Pomar e Luís Macieira), e inclui ainda uma cópia da peça «histórica», assinada por Francisco Santos, vencedor do concurso público de 1911. Embora tenha caído em desuso, o busto da República ainda hoje é interpretado como personificação do regime republicano, evocando espontaneamente os seus valores e mais nobres ideais, sintetizados no lema-programa inspirador da Revolução Francesa: liberdade, igualdade, fraternidade. Aliás, a própria escolha da figura feminina como imagem representativa da República e da Mãe Pátria, se bem que com origens mais longínquas, remete para o exemplo francês, inclusive na adopção dos seus atributos, designadamente o barrete frígio e o ramo de louros, ícones da Liberdade e da Vitória e também eles de ressonâncias históricas remotas.

Busts of the Republic

The female figure as a symbolic representation of the Republic had huge publicity in the early days of the new political regime implemented in Portugal in 1910. Indeed, the bust of the Republic has even become one of its most visible symbols, especially when, from 1912 it became mandatory to put in offices and public buildings and be adopted as effigy, to appear in coins for general circulation.
Although there are many versions of artistic busts of the Republic, the most popular and widespread were the ones that achieved the first. And 2nd. Th place in a competition sponsored by the city of Lisbon in 1911 with the aim of choosing who should go to be the 'official bust'. Their authors are, respectively, sculptors Francisco dos Santos (1878-1930) and Simões de Almeida Sobrinho (1880-1950).
The Portuguese Post Office, which since 2007 have come to evoke seal some of the most representative of the country celebrates anniversary in 2010, proposed the contemporary artists free effecting a reinterpretation of traditional bust of the Republic. This issue reflects the outcome of such a feat (with reproduction of the artistic creations by André Carrilho, Benedict County, Costa Pinheiro, João Abel Manta, John Machado, Luis Julio Pomar and Apple Tree), and includes a copy of the play "historical ', signed by Francisco Santos, who won the tender of 1911. Although it has fallen into disuse, the bust of the Republic is still interpreted as a personification of the Republican regime, spontaneously evoking its noblest ideals and values, summarized in the slogan-inspiring program of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity. Indeed, the very choice of the female figure as an image representative of the Republic and the Fatherland, though with more distant sources, refers to the example of France, including the adoption of its attributes, namely the Phrygian cap and laurel branch, icons Liberty and Victory, and they too remote from historical echoes.

Dados Técnicos
Obliterações do 1º dia em:
Oblitérations du 1er jour à:
First day obliterations in:
Lisboa / Porto / Funchal / Ponta Delgada
Emissão / émission / issue:
2010 / 06 / 24
Folhas / feuilles / sheets:
Com 8 ex. com tiragem de 180 000/ avec 8 ex. / with 8 copies
Selos / timbres-post / stamps:
5 X € 0,32
2 X€ 0,68
€ 0,80
Autores:André Carrilho, Bento Condado, Costa Pinheiro, Francisco dos Santos, João Abel Manta, João Machado, Júlio Pomar, Luís Macieira
Design: Atelier Acácio Santos / Hélder Soares
Fotos / Photos: Júlio Marques
Papel / papier / paper FSC: 110g / m2
Formato / format / size:
Selos / timbres / stamps: 30,6 x 40 mm
Picotagem / dentelure / perforation:
13 x Cruz de Cristo / Croix du Christ / Cross of Christ
Impressão / impression / printing: offset Impressor / imprimeur / printer: CARTOR