Miniature sheet of the Liangping New Year Woodprints stamps issue
(A very special thanks to my Fan Ming)
Miniature sheet of the Liangping New Year Woodprints stamps issue
(A very special thanks to my Fan Ming)
(A very special thanks to my friend Khor Kok Keong)
Vultos da História e da Cultura / Historical and Cultural Personalities
500 Anos do Nascimento de Fernão Mendes Pinto
500 Years of the Birth of Fernão Mendes Pinto
200 Anos do Nascimento de Alexandre Herculano
200 Years of the Birth of Alexandre Herculano
600 Anos do Nascimento de Gomes Eanes de Zurara
600 Years of the Birth of Gomes Eanes de Zurara
100 Anos do Nascimento de Francisco Keil do Amaral
100 Years of the Birth of Francisco Keil do Amaral
Datas de História / Dates of the History
150º Aniversário do Tratado de Paz, Amizade e Comércio entre Portugal e o Japão
150 Aniversary of traty of Peace, Friendship and Trase Between Portugal and Japan
200 Anos das Guerras Peninsulares
200 Years of the Peninsular wars
100 Anos da Implantação da República
100 Years of Republic
- Bustos da República
- Busts of the Republic
- Instituições Representativas da República
- Representative Institutions of the Republic
Temáticas / Topicals
Pão - 2º grupo (Livro a propor)
Bread – 2nd group (book with stamps under proposal)
Elevadores Públicos em Portugal – 1º grupo (Livro a propor)
Public Lifts in Portugal
Instituto Hidrográfico (50 Anos)
50 Years of the Hidrographic Institute of Portugal
Queijos e Enchidos Portugueses (Livro a propor)
Cheese and sausage in Portugal /book with stamps under proposal)
Judarias de Portugal (Livro a editar em 2010)
Jewish Quarters in Portugal
Joalharia de Devoção (Livro a editar em 2010)
Jewelry of Devotion (Book with Stamps)
Feiras e Romarias
Fairs and Festivals
Rock em Portugal
Rock Music in Portugal
Pedras Ornamentais Portuguesas
Portuguese Ornamental Stones
Teatro em Portugal
Theatre in Portugal
Aqui há Selo
Here’s Stamps
Correio Escolar
School Mail
Projecção Internacional / International Projection
Europa 2010 – Livros Infantis
Europe 2010 – Children’s Books
2010 Ano Internacional da Biodiversidade
2010 International Year of Biodiversity
200 Anos do Nascimento de Frederic Chopin e Robert Schumann
200 Years of the Birth of Frederic Chopin and Robert Schumann
Emissão Base / Definitives
Transportes Públicos Urbanos – 4º ( e último) grupo
Urban Public Tramports – 4th and last group
Çores / / Azores
Europa 2010 – Livros Infantis
Europe 2010 – Children’s Books
2º tema (aguarda-se proposta do Governo Regional)
2nd Topic (not defined yet)
Europa 2010 – Livros Infantis
Europe 2010 – Children’s Books
50 Anos do Jardim Botânico do Funchal
50 Years of the Funchal’s Botanic Garden
Etiquetas / ATM Labels
2010 Ano Europeu do combate à Pobreza e Exclusão Social
2010 European Year of Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion
Portugal – A nossa Primeira Escolha
Portugal – First Choice
Thanks to my friend Terence Wong, now I know something more about the small red envelope he sent me...
The name for the red envelope or packet is Hóng Bão, Ang Pao or Lai See (紅包 in traditional Chinese).
The ritual of exchanging red envelopes has its roots in traditional Chinese folklore and culture. The color red symbolizes good fortune and power and is used for celebrations to convey blessings and positive energy and to diffuse negative energy. Its rectangular shape resembles that of ancient shields and symbolizes protection. During the Chinese New Year celebration children are gifted with money in red envelopes. To receive money in a red envelope is considered to be lucky for the person who gives it and for the person who receives it.
The person who receives the “remedy” places the money or check in a red envelope and gives it to the Feng Shui practitioner. This exchange creates an auspicious bond between the practitioner and the client. Using the red envelope shows the recipient’s sincere intention and respect for the knowledge shared at a consultation and protects the client and practitioner as well as the teachings and ancient traditions. Use of the red envelope also strengthens and enhances the effectiveness of Feng Shui information.
Each night the Feng Shui practitioner places all the red envelopes under his/her pillow and sleeps on them, offering blessings and reinforcing the positive intentions to all those who shared in the Feng Shui experience. In the morning the practitioner removes the money and saves all red envelopes to be burned on an auspicious day.
To know more about please follow the link at Wiki:
First Day Cover posted on January, 8 2010.
(Special thanks to my friend Terence)
(English version)
Here are the best Philatelic greetings to visitors from all over the world who daily visit my blog.