Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Faianças Artísticas Bordallo Pinheiro

RAPHAEL Bordallo Pinheiro
Raphael Bordallo Pinheiro (Lisbon, 1846 -1905) was one of the most remarkable and versatile Portuguese artists, having left a vast work in various areas. It was designer, watercolorists, illustrator, decorator, cartoonist, journalist and ceramicist. His name is closely linked to the Portuguese caricature, which gave a qualitative boost, elevating it to a status hitherto achieved. He is the author of the figure of John Doe, who would establish, until today, as a symbol of the Portuguese people. Founded Faience Factory of Caldas da Rainha in 1884, responsible for a legacy unmatched worldwide ceramics.

Sardines collection (Colecção Sardinhas)
Sardine Mail (Sardinha Correio)
How long does not send a letter? This Sardinha evokes the nostalgia of a gesture that is being lost today and highlights the importance of perpetuating our traditions.

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