(Special thanks to friend Walter Peter)

7p - Lionfish - Singles (11,333,300)
100p - Bottlenose Dolphin - Singles (203,300)
7p The red lionfish (Pterois volitans)
Is a venomous coral reef fish in the family Scorpaenidae. It inhabits the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Adults can grow as large as 17 inches (43 cm) in length while juveniles may be shorter than 1 inch (2.5 cm). It has fleshy tentacles which protrude from both above the eyes and below the mouth. The pectoral fin is present in a distinctive fan-like shape, and dorsal spines are long and separated. Every spine of the lionfish is venomous, and while no fatalities due to lionfish stings have been reported, their venom extremely painful. The Red Lionfish eat live prey and do not eat fish flakes and other processed food.
100p Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)
Are the most common and well-known members of the family Delphinidae, the family of oceanic dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins live in groups typically of 10-30 members, called pods, but group size varies from single individuals up to more than 1,000. Their diet consists mainly of forage fish. Dolphins often work as a team to harvest fish schools, but they also hunt individually. Dolphins search for prey primarily using echolocation, which is similar to sonar. They emit clicking sounds and listen for the return echo to determine the location and shape of nearby items, including potential prey. Bottlenose dolphins also use sound for communication, including squeaks and whistles emitted from the blowhole and sounds emitted through body language, such as leaping from the water and slapping their tails on the water surface.
Date of Issue: 13-05-2010
Type: Definitive stamps
Denomination: 7p and 100p
No. of Stamp in Set: 100 (7p) and 50 (100p)
Size: Perforation: 13.5
Color: Multicolor
Process of Printing: Lithography Offset
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Graphic Artist: Jiomer E. Dacaymat
Source: Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific by Dr. Terence Gosliner
Designer: Darwin A. Marfil (7p)
Design Coordinators: Victorino Z. Serevo; Elenita D.L. San Diego

1p - Yellow Seahorse - Singles (2,800,000)
5p - Giant Clam - Singles (2,500,000)
20p - Scarlet-Fringed Flatworm - Singles (900,000)
1p YELLOW SEAHORSE (Hypocampus Kuda)
The Yellow Seahorse is one of the larger seahorses and is also known as the Common Seahorse, Spotted Seahorse, or Oceanic Seahorse. It has a short crown which is directed backward. Hippocampus kuda actually comes in many colors including yellow, orange, brown, and even black. The Yellow Seahorse tends to get along with pipefish, but they are a slightly faster feeder than the seahorse. In order to maintain the coloration of these wonderful animals it is ideal to keep décor of a similar coloration in the aquarium. Some individuals may have spots. For the best results, seahorses should be kept in a separate, species-only tank that is 50 gallons or larger with multiple items which they can grab with their prehensile tails. The reason for this is that seahorses are very slow methodical eaters and when maintained with other fish, they will never receive the proper amount of food to thrive in the aquarium.
5p GIANT CLAM (Tridacna Crocea)
Several species of giant clams are available to hobbyists, but Tridacna crocea is one of the most popular, if not number one. Note that this species is simply called “crocea” by most, but is also known as the crocus clam, boring giant clam and saffron-colored giant clam in different places and crowds. And they’re also sometimes sold under the trade names super crocea, ultra crocea or something similar, because certain specimens have a more colorful and/or unusual appearance than others. It should be no surprise that they’re highly desirable, because they often come in wonderful blues and greens, with just about every other color mixed in at times, as well. Purple, orange and gold are often seen, as well as solid brown. On top of their wonderful colors, the patterns that typically cover their upper mantle tissue may include stripes, waves, spots, rings, etc., making them look even more beautiful.
20p SCARLET-FRINGED FLATWORM (Pseudoceros Ferrugineus)
Flatworms belong to the Phylum Platyhelminhes, which includes notorious human parasites such as liver flukes and tapeworms. At first glance flatworms are easily mistaken for nudibranchs, but they lacks gills and the body is much thinner and more fragile. They are sometimes seen crawling over sand and coral, or are found under rubble. Fortunately marine flatworms are not harmful, and many have a beautiful appearance. The most stunning belong to a group known as polycads. Their flat oval-shaped bodies frequently exhibit dazzling colors. Their bright livery possibly warns predators of their toxic properties or bitter taste. Flatworms are common on most coral reefs, but due to their small size (most measure less than 8 cm. in length) and secretive habits, they are easily overlooked.
(Periplus Nature Guides – Tropical Marine Life)
Date of Issue: 15-06-2010
Type: Definitive stamps
Denomination: 1p, 5p and 20p
No. of Stamp in Set: 100
Size: Perforation: 13.5
Color: Multicolor
Process of Printing: Lithography
Offset Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Graphic Artist: Earvin L. Ayes
Source: Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific by Dr. Terence Gosliner
Designers: Lino B. Jamisola (1p); Mary Anne C. Cruz (5p); Lawrence Cunanan (20p)
Designer coordinators: Victorino Z. Serevo; Elenita D.L. San Diego
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